
Edith Beaucage, CIWM, MBA, B.Sc., FCSI®, CIM®

Portfolio Manager, Wealth Manager

T 514-281-4412

Linkedin Profil

Languages: French, English


Passionate by numbers since a very young age, Edith graduated from the Université de Montreal (UdeM) with a bachelor's degree in economics and steadily worked her way up the ranks. 

She earned an Achievement Award by the Canadian Securities Institute when completing the Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation in 2021.  

But its not all! To strengthen her management skills, Edith pursued an executive MBA at Université du Québec à Montreal (UQAM) and Paris Dauphine University in France.

Later on, Edith gained a lot of experience through her various management positions as a trader on the Montréal Exchange, a bond trader for a large brokerage firm, and later as a portfolio manager.

In 2008, she co-founded Beaucage Bruneau Groupe Conseil with Christian Bruneau, a colleague who has long shared her vision of financial planning and wealth management. Together, they run their teams like a boutique firm, each with their own specialty, perfectly complementing one another according to the highly specialized needs of the families they serve.

Edith excels at problem solving. She stands out for her risk management skills and human approach to numbers. It's her knowledge of the finest details, the small differences between one decision and another, that puts her in such good stead with clients who are managing significant family assets.

Above all else, she works to protect the well-being of her clients and their loved ones: it's her driving force. Her actions are guided by their interests. Her work isn't done on an hourly basis, like many other professionals, but rather as a series of concerted decisions with the clear objective of building wealth, for the greater benefit of the people who created it.

Her background gives her a unique perspective and approach, an almost unrivaled combination of skills and knowledge that she has put to work for her clients for more than 3 decades. And there's nothing else she'd rather do!

Her deepest wish is to reconcile women with their finances, because we can all gain something by taking an interest in our assets and financial security.

 "Managing the nuances of an ecosystem that combines finance, people and expertise is a huge privilege and I love every day of it."

While she has a talent for finance, Excel sheets and never-ending columns of numbers, Edith also likes to let loose. Especially out in the countryside. She and her partner run a small farm with their young children, where they grow organic vegetables.

Edith is an amateur foodie who is passionate about organic farming. Her favourite moments are when everyone is happily gathered around the table, creating beautiful memories for a future that she hopes will be comfortable for all of them.

You can count on her to make that happen.

Beaucage Bruneau Groupe Conseil

Ever since we founded our team over a decade ago, we’ve worked to bring together professionals with complementary skills who treat their clients like family.

About us

  • We’re experienced advisors familiar with the latest research in the investment industry
  • We’re asset managers who listen to your needs, your concerns and your goals
  • Most importantly, we’re real people who speak your language and share the same values


We want to:

  • Help you build and expand the wealth that will secure the future for you and your loved ones
  • Support you through the major milestones of your life, such as when you retire or transfer your assets
  • Assist you with managing your finances on a day-to-day basis

Investment Philosophy

We’ll customize your investment portfolio based on:

  • Your personal, family and professional situations
  • Your current financial situation (income, debt and assets)
  • Your life goals
  • Your liquidity needs
  • Your risk tolerance
  • Your core values, particularly with respect to responsible and sustainable development


To limit the impact of volatility and protect your assets from market fluctuations, we favour portfolios that are:

  • Balanced by asset class (geographic areas and/or market sectors)
  • Adaptable, which means they’re easily able to keep pace with macroeconomic variations and life events

What sets us apart

  • World-class research tools, including Morningstar Direct, MRB Research and BCA Research
  • Dimensional Certification, funds that apply financial science to investment markets, such as the insights of Eugene Fama, who won the 2013 Nobel Prize for Economics
  • Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), an approach to investing that includes ethical considerations such as the environment, social responsibility, sustainability and governance in its investment criteria
  • A value-added network of wealth management partners who supplement our team’s skills with their own legal, accounting, tax or real estate expertise


Integrity • Innovation • Relationships • Authenticity

Service Offer


Whatever your long-term goals, we’re here to turn them into reality. By planning for them now and including them in your financial strategy, we can help you bring them to life—while making sure you live your life to the fullest.



We take a comprehensive approach that includes a unified plan to bring together all aspects of your life and wealth: 

  • Asset management
  • Risk management
  • Taxes
  • Multigenerational planning
  • Philanthropy



Our clients often tell us that they come to us to protect their vision of the future. And we do. But by contributing to their peace of mind, we also do a great deal for their well-being in the present.

Biographies of my colleagues

  • Christian Bruneau, CIWM, BBA, F. Pl

    Wealth Manager, Financial Planner

    T 514-281-4412

    Languages: French, English


    With more than 25 years in the financial service industry, Christian Bruneau has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the Université du Québec à Montréal and also an IQPF -financial planner certification.

    He has always been an entrepreneur at heart, and so, after 10 years as an investment advisor for an independent firm, he left to co-found a specialized wealth management team. His goal was to meet the deeply complex needs of discerning high-net-worth clients, and that team grew into Beaucage Bruneau Groupe Conseil.

    Over the years, Christian has become a trusted advisor to the clients and families that Beaucage Bruneau is privileged to assist, whether for wealth preservation, capital growth, setting up a family trust, arranging a bequest, or transitioning to the next generation.

    In fact, Christian earned his Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation, recognized worldwide as a top credential for wealth management, specifically to be able to offer a service that meets the varied and complex needs of a wealthy clientele.

    "Entrepreneurs and business families are a source of wealth for all societies."

    Christian is also dedicated to his community. He's a former president of the Sainte-Thérèse Lions Club, an organization committed to serving youth, and has been a member since 2000.

    He's also an active supporter of the MS Society of Canada; the disease has taken a serious toll on people he knows and loves. In addition to making donations, he volunteers his time when he can. He also supports the Moisson Laurentides food bank, which helps local people in need.

    Christian loves nature and the great outdoors. He's a family person who appreciates beautiful things, architecture and cuisine. He likes to unwind on the greens, even if he feels his performance isn't often (or isn't yet) up to par! 

  • Sophia Bouchard, BBA

    Assistant Wealth Management Advisor

    T 514-985-3577

    Languages: French, English, Spanish


    Sophia Bouchard has a real passion for finance and wealth management. She joined Beaucage Bruneau almost a year ago and helps take care of day-to-day wealth management activities. She oversees the team's operational tasks, among other things.

    Sophia graduated from HEC Montréal's trilingual Bachelor of Business Administration program in 2021, majoring in finance. Once she earns her professional designations, she'd like to become a portfolio manager.

    After graduating, Sophia chose to put her knowledge of stock markets and personal finance to work for Desjardins.

    Above all else, it was Beaucage Bruneau's management philosophy that resonated with her when she made the switch from a caisse to an independent affiliated group.

    "I chose to work at Beaucage Bruneau because the founders' values really resonate with me: the importance of family, building lasting relationships and a strong commitment to the well-being of our clients and their loved ones."

    From a young age, Sophia enjoys challenges. It's no coincidence that during her time at university, she participated in a trading club, an inter-university trade exchange simulation and a real estate competition. She and her team represented HEC Montréal in Copenhagen, Denmark, as part of a student exchange where she won an award for her leadership abilities and dedication.

    Sophia, who describes herself as a ball of energy has a strong interest for responsible investments. She hopes she can inspire other women to consider careers in finance, or at the very least, encourage them to learn more about it.

    Sophia loves the outdoors, world cuisine and travelling. She's also a formidable volleyball player.


Desjardins Securities at Montréal - Le Windsor

1170, Peel Street
Suite 300
Montréal (Québec) H3B 0A9

514-985-7585 Toll-free : 1-866-985-7585Fax : 514-281-4255

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