

Since protecting the environment is one of our core values, you can help reduce paper use by opting for e-statements, which you can access day or night!

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As soon as you sign up for e-statements, Desjardins Securities will stop printing and mailing your statements and transaction confirmations.

You can then easily view these documents on any device by clicking on "Statements - This link will open in a new window." in the menu at the top of the page. Archived in a system that meets the strictest security standards in the financial services industry, these documents will be accessible at any time for up to seven years.

Signing up couldn’t be simpler. Just follow these two steps:

  1. Register for
    To sign up for e-statements, you must first be registered for Access to this private section of our website will enable you to view your accounts online in complete security.
    If you do not have an access code, contact your wealth manager directly to obtain one.
  2. Sign up for e-statements
    You can then log in to and click on "Statements - This link will open in a new window." in the menu at the top of the page to sign up for e-statements.

A picture is worth a thousand words

If you want to know what your future e-statements will look like, please click on the following links:

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