
Financial Strength

Not all brokerage firms can boast of having as solid a foundation as ours. In addition to providing you with services of superior quality, we also offer you a highly secure environment.

Find Us

Desjardins Securities is the brokerage firm of Desjardins Group, the trusted financial institution for more than 120 years now.

In addition to being the leading cooperative financial group in Canada and the sixth largest cooperative financial group in the world, Desjardins ranks among the world’s strongest banksFootnote 1. So when you entrust the management of your portfolio and your wealth to our wealth managers, you can be sure that you are dealing with one of the safest brokerage firms in the country.

A considerable advantage, which is clearly reflected in our numbers:

Desjardins Securities:

A trusted brokerage firm for over 30 years

  • 42 branches and points of service in Quebec and Ontario
  • More than 550 wealth managers ready to serve you at all timesFootnote 2
  • More than 850 employees to support you
  • Assets under management of over $55 billionFootnote 3

Desjardins Group:

  • Assets under management of $470.9 billionFootnote 3
  • More than 7.8 million members and clients
  • More than 55,000 employees in Canada

A highly rated financial institution

Desjardins Group is known for its excellent financial health and the steps it takes to maintain it. The rating agencies have given it very solid credit ratings:

  • Standard & Poor’s: A+
  • Moody’s: Aa1
  • Dominion Bond Rating Service: AA
  • Fitch: AA-
  1. According to The Banker magazine, November 2016. Return to footnote 1 referrer
  2. This number includes senior wealth managers, associate wealth management advisors, assistant wealth management advisors and investment advisors. Return to footnote 2 referrer
  3. Data as at December 31, 2024, unless otherwise indicated. Return to footnote 3 referrer
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